
I’m Diane, and I used to think travel is what other people did. It sounded so interesting, but the cost, the planning, the signs in a foreign language…how could I figure out a foreign transportation system? It seemed overwhelming. And safer to stay home and read National Geographic.

My husband Bob was able to convince me that yes, we could do this. And thanks to Rick Steves, we did a 10 day tour in Italy, carefully reading the books and letting someone else do the planning. A travel nut was born! We’ve never looked back.

Bob is also a total beer nerd, so all of our trips include sampling as much local brew as we can. This will be a theme in a lot of posts.

We travel to see/hear/feel/even smell new places. To meet people, better understand history. Taste a different food (and beer.) Videos and glossy magazines just cannot replicate a real experience. But when the trip is over, we are always happy to come home to the Pacific Northwest. After all, Molly is waiting.

Our dog, Molly
Molly says “Don’t forget to come home! I’ll be waiting! Woof!”
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